Have you taken a vacation in 2018?

Taking some time away from the office, whether it’s to leave town to go on a trip or to just relax at home is beneficial. Focusing on things outside of work grants perspective, and we usually return (while sometimes physically tired) more energized, with new perspective and often even more innovative.

In this beautiful part of the country, it is hard to believe that folks would leave vacation days unused, but it is true. According to a recent article in the Puget Sound Business Journal, Washington workers left a quarter of their earned vacation days unused in 2017.

In the U.S. Travel Association’s “Project: Time Off” Washington workers left a collective 15.3 million vacation days unused in 2017, up yearly 920,000 days from 2016.

Entrepreneurs and small business owners may be particularly prone to this phenomenon.  While you can typically make your own schedule and vacation when you want – when you are not working – the business may stand still. Who will answer your phone calls? You may miss a contact from that one new client you have been cultivating.

When you do take days off, do you totally unplug from your office?  According to studies done by Robert Half International, 58% of Seattle professionals check in with their offices once or twice a week.  We’re ranked 5th out of the 28 U.S. markets for off-hours check-in frequency.

Why not let Executive Support Center assist you when you want to take a few days off?  After all, “Support” is our middle name.  We can answer your telephone calls and contact you if you really need to respond immediately.  Customers will still find someone in your office if they drop by to leave information.  We will collect your mail – and even deposit your checks in the bank if that helps.

Get out there and enjoy some days off – let Executive Support Center back you on the days you are out!