Monthly Archives: August 2018

Unused Vacation Days?

Have you taken a vacation in 2018? Taking some time away from the office, whether it’s to leave town to go on a trip or to just relax at home is beneficial. Focusing on things outside of work grants perspective, and we usually return (while sometimes physically tired) more energized, with new perspective and often

Unused Vacation Days?2018-08-29T19:37:33+00:00

The Benefits of Understanding Personality Types in the Workplace

Ever wondered why you work really well with some people and seem to clash with others? Why you can predict how some colleagues will react to situations and other leave you completely flummoxed? Chances are it has a lot to do with individual personality type preferences. Everyone has different preferences that make up their personality

The Benefits of Understanding Personality Types in the Workplace2018-08-06T21:21:01+00:00
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